Uses of Class

Packages that use DateBuilder
org.quartz The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces. 

Uses of DateBuilder in org.quartz

Methods in org.quartz that return DateBuilder
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.atHourMinuteAndSecond(int atHour, int atMinute, int atSecond)
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.atHourOfDay(int atHour)
          Set the hour (0-23) for the Date that will be built by this builder.
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.atMinute(int atMinute)
          Set the minute (0-59) for the Date that will be built by this builder.
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.atSecond(int atSecond)
          Set the second (0-59) for the Date that will be built by this builder, and truncate the milliseconds to 000.
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.inLocale(Locale locale)
          Set the Locale for the Date that will be built by this builder (if "null", system default will be used)
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.inMonth(int inMonth)
          Set the month (1-12) for the Date that will be built by this builder.
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.inMonthOnDay(int inMonth, int onDay)
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.inTimeZone(TimeZone timezone)
          Set the TimeZone for the Date that will be built by this builder (if "null", system default will be used)
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.inYear(int inYear)
          Set the year for the Date that will be built by this builder.
static DateBuilder DateBuilder.newDate()
          Create a DateBuilder, with initial settings for the current date and time in the system default timezone.
static DateBuilder DateBuilder.newDateInLocale(Locale lc)
          Create a DateBuilder, with initial settings for the current date and time in the given locale.
static DateBuilder DateBuilder.newDateInTimezone(TimeZone tz)
          Create a DateBuilder, with initial settings for the current date and time in the given timezone.
static DateBuilder DateBuilder.newDateInTimeZoneAndLocale(TimeZone tz, Locale lc)
          Create a DateBuilder, with initial settings for the current date and time in the given timezone and locale.
 DateBuilder DateBuilder.onDay(int onDay)
          Set the day of month (1-31) for the Date that will be built by this builder.

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