Uses of Class

Packages that use JobKey
org.quartz The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces. 
org.quartz.core Contains the core classes and interfaces for the Quartz job scheduler. 
org.quartz.impl Contains implementations of the SchedulerFactory, JobStore, ThreadPool, and other interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 
org.quartz.impl.triggers This package contains Trigger implementations that ship with Quartz. 
org.quartz.simpl Contains simple / light-weight implementations (with no dependencies on external libraries) of interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 
org.quartz.spi Contains Service Provider Interfaces that can be implemented by those wishing to create and use custom versions of Quartz back-end/behind-the-scenes services. 

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz

Methods in org.quartz that return JobKey
 JobKey Trigger.getJobKey()
 JobKey JobDetail.getKey()
static JobKey JobKey.jobKey(String name)
static JobKey JobKey.jobKey(String name, String group)

Methods in org.quartz that return types with arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> Scheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Get the keys of all the JobDetails in the matching groups.
 List<Matcher<JobKey>> ListenerManager.getJobListenerMatchers(String listenerName)
          Get the set of Matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.

Methods in org.quartz with parameters of type JobKey
 boolean Scheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
          Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler.
 boolean Scheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Delete the identified Job from the Scheduler - and any associated Triggers.
 TriggerBuilder<T> TriggerBuilder.forJob(JobKey keyOfJobToFire)
          Set the identity of the Job which should be fired by the produced Trigger.
 JobDetail Scheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
          Get the JobDetail for the Job instance with the given key.
 List<? extends Trigger> Scheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Get all Trigger s that are associated with the identified JobDetail.
 boolean Scheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
          Request the interruption, within this Scheduler instance, of all currently executing instances of the identified Job, which must be an implementor of the InterruptableJob interface.
 void SchedulerListener.jobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
           Called by the Scheduler when a JobDetail has been deleted.
 void SchedulerListener.jobPaused(JobKey jobKey)
           Called by the Scheduler when a JobDetail has been paused.
 void SchedulerListener.jobResumed(JobKey jobKey)
           Called by the Scheduler when a JobDetail has been un-paused.
 void Scheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Pause the JobDetail with the given key - by pausing all of its current Triggers.
 void Scheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Resume (un-pause) the JobDetail with the given key.
 void Scheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Trigger the identified JobDetail (execute it now).
 void Scheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey, JobDataMap data)
          Trigger the identified JobDetail (execute it now).
 JobBuilder JobBuilder.withIdentity(JobKey jobKey)
          Use a JobKey to identify the JobDetail.

Method parameters in org.quartz with type arguments of type JobKey
 void ListenerManager.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener, List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
          Add the given JobListener to the Scheduler, and register it to receive events for Jobs that are matched by ANY of the given Matchers.
 void ListenerManager.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Add the given JobListener to the Scheduler, and register it to receive events for Jobs that are matched by the given Matcher.
 boolean ListenerManager.addJobListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Add the given Matcher to the set of matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.
 boolean Scheduler.deleteJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
          Delete the identified Jobs from the Scheduler - and any associated Triggers.
 Set<JobKey> Scheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Get the keys of all the JobDetails in the matching groups.
 void Scheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Pause all of the JobDetails in the matching groups - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 boolean ListenerManager.removeJobListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Remove the given Matcher to the set of matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.
 void Scheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Resume (un-pause) all of the JobDetails in matching groups.
 boolean ListenerManager.setJobListenerMatchers(String listenerName, List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
          Set the set of Matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.core

Methods in org.quartz.core that return types with arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> RemotableQuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Set<JobKey> QuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all the Jobs in the matching groups.
 List<Matcher<JobKey>> ListenerManagerImpl.getJobListenerMatchers(String listenerName)

Methods in org.quartz.core with parameters of type JobKey
 boolean RemotableQuartzScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean QuartzScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
          Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler.
 boolean RemotableQuartzScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean QuartzScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Delete the identified Job from the Scheduler - and any associated Triggers.
 JobDetail RemotableQuartzScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
 JobDetail QuartzScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
           Get the JobDetail for the Job instance with the given name and group.
 List<? extends Trigger> RemotableQuartzScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
 List<? extends Trigger> QuartzScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Get all Trigger s that are associated with the identified JobDetail.
 boolean RemotableQuartzScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean QuartzScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
          Interrupt all instances of the identified InterruptableJob executing in this Scheduler instance.
 void QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.jobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
 void QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.jobPaused(JobKey jobKey)
 void QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.jobResumed(JobKey jobKey)
 void SchedulerSignalerImpl.notifySchedulerListenersJobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
 void QuartzScheduler.notifySchedulerListenersJobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
 void QuartzScheduler.notifySchedulerListenersPausedJob(JobKey key)
 void QuartzScheduler.notifySchedulerListenersResumedJob(JobKey key)
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
 void QuartzScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Pause the JobDetail with the given name - by pausing all of its current Triggers.
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
 void QuartzScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Resume (un-pause) the JobDetail with the given name.
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey, JobDataMap data)
 void QuartzScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey, JobDataMap data)
           Trigger the identified Job (execute it now) - with a non-volatile trigger.

Method parameters in org.quartz.core with type arguments of type JobKey
 void ListenerManagerImpl.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener, List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
 void ListenerManagerImpl.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.addJobListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
 boolean RemotableQuartzScheduler.deleteJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 boolean QuartzScheduler.deleteJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 Set<JobKey> RemotableQuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Set<JobKey> QuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all the Jobs in the matching groups.
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void QuartzScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher)
           Pause all of the JobDetails in the matching groups - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.removeJobListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void QuartzScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the JobDetails in the matching groups.
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.setJobListenerMatchers(String listenerName, List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.impl

Methods in org.quartz.impl that return JobKey
 JobKey JobDetailImpl.getKey()

Methods in org.quartz.impl that return types with arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> StdScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 Set<JobKey> RemoteScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 Set<JobKey> RemoteMBeanScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.

Methods in org.quartz.impl with parameters of type JobKey
 boolean StdScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 boolean RemoteScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 boolean RemoteMBeanScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 boolean StdScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 boolean RemoteScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 boolean RemoteMBeanScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 JobDetail StdScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 JobDetail RemoteScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 JobDetail RemoteMBeanScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 List<? extends Trigger> StdScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 List<? extends Trigger> RemoteScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 List<Trigger> RemoteMBeanScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 boolean StdScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean RemoteScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean RemoteMBeanScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
 void StdScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void StdScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void JobDetailImpl.setKey(JobKey key)
 void StdScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void StdScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey, JobDataMap data)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey, JobDataMap data)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey, JobDataMap data)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.

Method parameters in org.quartz.impl with type arguments of type JobKey
 boolean StdScheduler.deleteJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 boolean RemoteScheduler.deleteJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 boolean RemoteMBeanScheduler.deleteJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 Set<JobKey> StdScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 Set<JobKey> RemoteScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 Set<JobKey> RemoteMBeanScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void StdScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void StdScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore

Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore that return JobKey
 JobKey TriggerStatus.getJobKey()
 JobKey FiredTriggerRecord.getJobKey()

Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore that return types with arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> JobStoreSupport.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all of the Job s that matcher the given groupMatcher.
protected  Set<JobKey> JobStoreSupport.getJobNames(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Set<JobKey> StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Select all of the jobs contained in a given group.
 Set<JobKey> DriverDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Select all of the jobs contained in a given group.

Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore with parameters of type JobKey
protected  String JobStoreSupport.checkBlockedState(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey, String currentState)
          Determines if a Trigger for the given job should be blocked.
protected  boolean JobStoreSupport.checkExists(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
 boolean JobStoreSupport.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
          Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler.
 int StdJDBCDelegate.deleteJobDetail(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Delete the job detail record for the given job.
 int DriverDelegate.deleteJobDetail(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Delete the job detail record for the given job.
protected  List<OperableTrigger> JobStoreSupport.getTriggersForJob(Connection conn, JobKey key)
 List<OperableTrigger> JobStoreSupport.getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Get all of the Triggers that are associated to the given Job.
 boolean StdJDBCDelegate.isJobNonConcurrent(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Check whether or not the given job is stateful.
 boolean DriverDelegate.isJobNonConcurrent(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Check whether or not the given job disallows concurrent execution.
 boolean StdJDBCDelegate.jobExists(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Check whether or not the given job exists.
protected  boolean JobStoreSupport.jobExists(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Check existence of a given job.
 boolean DriverDelegate.jobExists(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Check whether or not the given job exists.
 void JobStoreSupport.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Pause the Job with the given name - by pausing all of its current Triggers.
protected  boolean JobStoreSupport.removeJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
 boolean JobStoreSupport.removeJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Remove (delete) the Job with the given name, and any Trigger s that reference it.
 void JobStoreSupport.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Resume (un-pause) the Job with the given name.
protected  JobDetail JobStoreSupport.retrieveJob(Connection conn, JobKey key)
 JobDetail JobStoreSupport.retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Retrieve the JobDetail for the given Job.
 JobDetail StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobDetail(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey, ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
           Select the JobDetail object for a given job name / group name.
 JobDetail DriverDelegate.selectJobDetail(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey, ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
           Select the JobDetail object for a given job name / group name.
 int StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobExecutionCount(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
 int DriverDelegate.selectJobExecutionCount(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Get the number instances of the identified job currently executing.
 int StdJDBCDelegate.selectNumTriggersForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Select the number of triggers associated with a given job.
 int DriverDelegate.selectNumTriggersForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Select the number of triggers associated with a given job.
 int DB2v6Delegate.selectNumTriggersForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
 List<TriggerKey> StdJDBCDelegate.selectTriggerKeysForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Get the names of all of the triggers associated with the given job.
 List<TriggerKey> DriverDelegate.selectTriggerKeysForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Get the names of all of the triggers associated with the given job.
 List<OperableTrigger> StdJDBCDelegate.selectTriggersForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Select the triggers for a job
 List<OperableTrigger> DriverDelegate.selectTriggersForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey)
           Select the triggers for a job
 void TriggerStatus.setJobKey(JobKey jobKey)
 void FiredTriggerRecord.setJobKey(JobKey key)
 int StdJDBCDelegate.updateTriggerStatesForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey, String state)
           Update the states of all triggers associated with the given job.
 int DriverDelegate.updateTriggerStatesForJob(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey, String state)
           Update the states of all triggers associated with the given job.
 int StdJDBCDelegate.updateTriggerStatesForJobFromOtherState(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey, String state, String oldState)
 int DriverDelegate.updateTriggerStatesForJobFromOtherState(Connection conn, JobKey jobKey, String state, String oldState)
           Update the states of any triggers associated with the given job, that are the given current state.

Method parameters in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore with type arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> JobStoreSupport.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all of the Job s that matcher the given groupMatcher.
protected  Set<JobKey> JobStoreSupport.getJobNames(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Set<String> JobStoreSupport.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Pause all of the Jobs matching the given groupMatcher - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 boolean JobStoreSupport.removeJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 Set<String> JobStoreSupport.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the Jobs in the given group.
 Set<JobKey> StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Select all of the jobs contained in a given group.
 Set<JobKey> DriverDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Select all of the jobs contained in a given group.

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.impl.matchers

Methods in org.quartz.impl.matchers that return types with arguments of type JobKey
static EverythingMatcher<JobKey> EverythingMatcher.allJobs()
          Create an EverythingMatcher that matches all jobs.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.anyJobGroup()
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups starting with the given string.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.jobGroupContains(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups containing the given string.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.jobGroupEndsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups ending with the given string.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.jobGroupEquals(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups equaling the given string.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.jobGroupStartsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups starting with the given string.
static NameMatcher<JobKey> NameMatcher.jobNameContains(String compareTo)
          Create a NameMatcher that matches job names containing the given string.
static NameMatcher<JobKey> NameMatcher.jobNameEndsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a NameMatcher that matches job names ending with the given string.
static NameMatcher<JobKey> NameMatcher.jobNameEquals(String compareTo)
          Create a NameMatcher that matches job names equaling the given string.
static NameMatcher<JobKey> NameMatcher.jobNameStartsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a NameMatcher that matches job names starting with the given string.

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.impl.triggers

Methods in org.quartz.impl.triggers that return JobKey
 JobKey AbstractTrigger.getJobKey()

Methods in org.quartz.impl.triggers with parameters of type JobKey
 void AbstractTrigger.setJobKey(JobKey key)

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.listeners

Methods in org.quartz.listeners with parameters of type JobKey
 void JobChainingJobListener.addJobChainLink(JobKey firstJob, JobKey secondJob)
          Add a chain mapping - when the Job identified by the first key completes the job identified by the second key will be triggered.
 void SchedulerListenerSupport.jobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
 void BroadcastSchedulerListener.jobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
 void SchedulerListenerSupport.jobPaused(JobKey jobKey)
 void BroadcastSchedulerListener.jobPaused(JobKey key)
 void SchedulerListenerSupport.jobResumed(JobKey jobKey)
 void BroadcastSchedulerListener.jobResumed(JobKey key)

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.simpl

Fields in org.quartz.simpl with type parameters of type JobKey
protected  HashSet<JobKey> RAMJobStore.blockedJobs
protected  HashMap<String,HashMap<JobKey,org.quartz.simpl.JobWrapper>> RAMJobStore.jobsByGroup
protected  HashMap<JobKey,org.quartz.simpl.JobWrapper> RAMJobStore.jobsByKey

Methods in org.quartz.simpl that return types with arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> RAMJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all of the Job s that match the given groupMatcher.

Methods in org.quartz.simpl with parameters of type JobKey
 boolean RAMJobStore.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
          Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler.
 List<OperableTrigger> RAMJobStore.getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Get all of the Triggers that are associated to the given Job.
protected  ArrayList<org.quartz.simpl.TriggerWrapper> RAMJobStore.getTriggerWrappersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
 void RAMJobStore.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Pause the JobDetail with the given name - by pausing all of its current Triggers.
 boolean RAMJobStore.removeJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Remove (delete) the Job with the given name, and any Trigger s that reference it.
 void RAMJobStore.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Resume (un-pause) the JobDetail with the given name.
 JobDetail RAMJobStore.retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey)
           Retrieve the JobDetail for the given Job.
protected  void RAMJobStore.setAllTriggersOfJobToState(JobKey jobKey, int state)

Method parameters in org.quartz.simpl with type arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> RAMJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all of the Job s that match the given groupMatcher.
 List<String> RAMJobStore.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Pause all of the JobDetails in the given group - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 boolean RAMJobStore.removeJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 Collection<String> RAMJobStore.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the JobDetails in the given group.

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.spi

Methods in org.quartz.spi that return types with arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> JobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Get the keys of all of the Job s that have the given group name.

Methods in org.quartz.spi with parameters of type JobKey
 boolean JobStore.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
          Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler.
 List<OperableTrigger> JobStore.getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Get all of the Triggers that are associated to the given Job.
 void SchedulerSignaler.notifySchedulerListenersJobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
 void JobStore.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Pause the Job with the given name - by pausing all of its current Triggers.
 boolean JobStore.removeJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Remove (delete) the Job with the given key, and any Trigger s that reference it.
 void JobStore.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Resume (un-pause) the Job with the given key.
 JobDetail JobStore.retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey)
          Retrieve the JobDetail for the given Job.
 void MutableTrigger.setJobKey(JobKey key)

Method parameters in org.quartz.spi with type arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> JobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Get the keys of all of the Job s that have the given group name.
 Collection<String> JobStore.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher)
          Pause all of the Jobs in the given group - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 boolean JobStore.removeJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 Collection<String> JobStore.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Resume (un-pause) all of the Jobs in the given group.

Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.xml

Fields in org.quartz.xml with type parameters of type JobKey
protected  List<JobKey> XMLSchedulingDataProcessor.jobsToDelete

Uses of JobKey in org.terracotta.quartz

Methods in org.terracotta.quartz that return types with arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> PlainTerracottaJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Set<JobKey> AbstractTerracottaJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)

Methods in org.terracotta.quartz with parameters of type JobKey
 boolean PlainTerracottaJobStore.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean AbstractTerracottaJobStore.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
 List<OperableTrigger> PlainTerracottaJobStore.getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
 List<OperableTrigger> AbstractTerracottaJobStore.getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
 void PlainTerracottaJobStore.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
 void AbstractTerracottaJobStore.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean PlainTerracottaJobStore.removeJob(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean AbstractTerracottaJobStore.removeJob(JobKey jobKey)
 void PlainTerracottaJobStore.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
 void AbstractTerracottaJobStore.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
 JobDetail PlainTerracottaJobStore.retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey)
 JobDetail AbstractTerracottaJobStore.retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey)

Method parameters in org.terracotta.quartz with type arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> PlainTerracottaJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Set<JobKey> AbstractTerracottaJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Collection<String> PlainTerracottaJobStore.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Collection<String> AbstractTerracottaJobStore.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 boolean PlainTerracottaJobStore.removeJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys)
 boolean AbstractTerracottaJobStore.removeJobs(List<JobKey> arg0)
 Collection<String> PlainTerracottaJobStore.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Collection<String> AbstractTerracottaJobStore.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)

Uses of JobKey in org.terracotta.quartz.collections

Methods in org.terracotta.quartz.collections that return types with arguments of type JobKey
 Set<JobKey> ToolkitDSHolder.getOrCreateBlockedJobsSet()
 SerializedToolkitStore<JobKey,JobWrapper> ToolkitDSHolder.getOrCreateJobsMap()

Uses of JobKey in org.terracotta.quartz.wrappers

Methods in org.terracotta.quartz.wrappers that return JobKey
 JobKey TriggerWrapper.getJobKey()
 JobKey JobWrapper.getKey()

Methods in org.terracotta.quartz.wrappers with parameters of type JobKey
 void JobFacade.addBlockedJob(JobKey key)
 boolean JobFacade.blockedJobsContain(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean JobFacade.containsKey(JobKey key)
 JobWrapper JobFacade.get(JobKey jobKey)
 List<TriggerWrapper> TriggerFacade.getTriggerWrappersForJob(JobKey key)
 void JobFacade.put(JobKey jobKey, JobWrapper jobWrapper)
 JobWrapper JobFacade.remove(JobKey jobKey)
 boolean JobFacade.removeBlockedJob(JobKey key)

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